Babu Ganesh Apps

ShrutiBox 1.1
Babu Ganesh
Shruti Box (An Android ShrutiBox,ElectronicSruthi Box, sruti box or surpeti) is an instrumentthattraditionally works on a system of bellows. It is similar toaharmonium or Tampura and is used to provide a drone in apracticesession or concert of Indian classical music like Carnatic&Hindustani etc. It is used as an accompaniment to otherinstrumentsand notably the flute.In today's life everyone has an Android phones and this appcanbe handy and eliminate carrying a heavy physical Sruthi Boxesifyou are a music teacher or music learner.This shruti Box provides a quality drone background soundwithdifferent scales, pitchs and crystal clear recordings forsingingor playing almost any musical instruments.
Paint & Doodle 1.1
Babu Ganesh
Paint & Doodle, Doodle, Doodling,Sketch,Sketching, Paint & Draw, Draw and Paint, Paint shop,Paint box,Paint brush, Spray Painting, Thread painting, CreatingPattern,Drawing & Painting is an art, which can be done insimple waysas well as using very complex methods. It is really afun idea thatchildren & adults can do to give life to thereimagination andcreativity. I am introducing you all to a verysimple, easy andbasic Paint and Doodle using this android app whichwill help youcreate endless designs & patterns with unlimitedcolorcombinations, different brush sizes with different color,sizedotsjust touching the screen, Also you can edit and decorateyourfavorite pictures from your phone and gallery which will givewingsto your pictures & more.